Arizona’s Sen. Jon Kyl is a star of the Sotomayor confirmation hearings. It's amazing some self-described conservatives in Arizona question his conservative credentials. I decided to do a little research and to find out just how consistently conservative he has been in Congress. Results: wow. Jon Kyl has earned a 96.96% LIFETIME conservative rating from the American Conservative Union. Check out their ratings of every Member of Congress going back decades. It's a great way to lose a few hours. Here’s Jon Kyl’s voting record since 1987! A 100 score is a perfect conservative voting record on the key votes that legislative year.
1987: 96(U.S. House: 1987-1994 – U.S. Senate: 1995- )
1988: 100
1989: 96
1990: 92
1991: 100
1992: 92
1993: 96
1994: 90
1995: 100
1996: 100
1997: 96
1998: 96
1999: 100
2000: 100
2001: 100
2002: 100
2003: 90
2004: 100
2005: 100
2006: 92
2007: 100
2008: 96