Thank you for visiting the Willet Creek Dam Blog. This blog's title is taken from the 1939 Frank Capra film Mr. Smith Goes to Washington that, among other things, centers around good old fashioned graft and corruption in federal appropriations legislation during the Great Depression.
Appointed caretaker Sen. Jefferson Smith, played by Jimmy Stewart, inadvertantly stumbles across the scam when he proposes establishing a national boys camp on a patch of land near the head waters of Willet Creek in Terry Canyon. This is right where the local Taylor political machine has bought up land in advance of the creation of the Willet Creek Dam by Congress. The famous one-man filibuster scene follows.
Willet Creek Dam is provided by an Arizona-based public affairs professional who does a lot of work with my state’s legislative leaders, governor and executive departments. I also have close dealings with Arizona’s congressional delegation. Therefore, much of this blog will focus on Arizona and national political happenings. I am also very interested in international affairs and world and American political history.
To get a flavor for my politics, here are my votes in all primaries and elections for president since I have been old enough to vote.
2008 Presidential Election: John McCain
2008 Presidential Primary: Mitt Romney
2004 Presidential Election: George W. Bush
2004 Presidential Primary: George W. Bush
2000 Presidential Election: George W. Bush
2000 Presidential Primary: George W. Bush
1996 Presidential Election: Robert Dole
1996 Presidential Primary: Steve Forbes
1992 Presidential Election: George H. W. Bush
1992 Presidential Primary: George H. W. Bush
1988 Presidential Election: George H. W. Bush
1988 Presidential Primary: Jack Kemp
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